• Companion Grade 4-7 Teacher Guides

    With the publication of the NumberSense Companion Workbooks and Teacher Guides, we complete the mathematics curriculum coverage for Grades 4 to 7. It is our hope that the NumberSense Companion Workbooks will provide children with the same challenges and enjoyment that they get from the NumberSense Workbooks, helping them to experience mathematics as a meaningful, sense-making, problem-solving activity.

    The notes in the Visualisation User Guide support and extend the discussions generated by particular card sets and views. Each set in each level has been developed to follow a deliberate conceptual progression.

    Companion Grade 4 Teacher Guide
    Companion Grade 5 Teacher Guide
    Companion Grade 6 Teacher Guide
    Companion Grade 7 Teacher Guide
    Visualisation Kit User Guide
  • Measurement

    Area and Volume Activities

    Measuring is the process of comparing the size (muchness) of some property of an object or event:

    • Either relative to the same property of another object or event;
    • Or to some standard unit of measure.

    Measurements that can be determined include (among many others):

    • Length (mm, cm, m, km, inches, feet, yards and miles);
    • Area (cm², m², acres, hectares);
    • Mass (kg, pounds, tonnes);
    • Volume (m³; litres; kilolitres, ounces, quarts and gallons );
    • Temperature (degrees Celcius and degrees Fahrenheit);
    • Speed (m/s, km/h, miles/hour); and
    • Time (seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years etc.) …

    What we often take for granted is the existence of the standard units for each of these measurements (listed above).

    What is important is that children develop the insight that measuring:

    • Is about comparing and quantifying; and
    • Involves units/measurements that allow us to quantify and compare in convenient and reliable ways.

    The challenge in teaching is to create an environment in which children experience the evolution of measuring in an informal manner so that they can understand units as arbitrary but convenient.

    Area: 5mm, 10mm, 15mm, 20mm Grids
    Area: Which leave shape is the largest?
    Area: Which rectangle has the largest area?
    Volume: Which container holds the most?
    Volume: Which block has the the greatest volume?
  • Space & Shape (Geometry)

    MathsSense: The MathsSense Mathematics Programme is a digital mathematics programme for Grades 8 & 9 (Grades 10, 11 & 12 currently under development). Here we share with you a few video tutorials that form part of the materials.

    GeoGebra: GeoGebra is mathematics software that brings together geometry, algebra, spreadsheets, graphing, statistics and calculus in one easy-to-use package.

    Mosaic Puzzle: The template for the Mosaic Puzzle pieces is available for download.

    MathsSense: Geometry Video Tutorials
    GeoGebra Mathematics App
    Mosaic Puzzle pieces template