Category: NumberSense Mathematics Programme

12 Mar 2019 User Group Conference 2019 This year the teacher participation will happen at the end of each break-away in the format of sharing questions, answers and discussion among participants.
30 Oct 2018 User Group Feedback Our workshops this semester have been well supported and we are excited by the conversations that have taken place amongst the users of the programme.
20 Aug 2018 NumberSense Product Update We are delighted to introduce the NumberSense Companion Activity Kit and Resources.
01 Aug 2018 NumberSense on Social Media NumberSense has joined social media: Instagram and Twitter.
10 Jul 2018 NumberSense Workbooks: Contributing to research Aarnout Brombacher's international work in mathematics sheds light on early grade understanding of the equal sign.
15 Jun 2018 NumberSense Programme Updates We look forward to our workshops for the 3rd and 4th terms.