• Resources and User Support

    Our support materials and activities include:

    • Teacher Guide*:
      * A Comprehensive NumberSense Teacher Guide that brings together all the teacher (and parent) support materials available on the website should be finalised in the next half of the year. The resources that will make up the Teacher Guide are already on the website, they are however not combined in one.
    • NumberSense Mathematics Programme Workbooks
    • NumberSense Mathematics Programme Resources:
      • Activity Kits
      • Activity Cards
      • Activity Resources
    • GeoGenius Kits:
      • GeoGenius Construction Kit
      • GeoGenius Visualisation Kit
    • Classroom Resources:
      • Number line
      • Flard cards
      • Devices Stamp Set
      • Manipulating Number Videos
      • Projection Files
    • User Support (Events):
      • Regular teacher and parent workshops in major centres across the country
      • Annual NumberSense Mathematics Programme User Group Conference
      • School support tailored to the specific needs
    NumberSense Mathematics Programme Workbooks & Resources
    GeoGenius Kits
    Classroom Resources
    Events (Workshops and Conferences)